Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8th, 2010

They say that Thursday is the best day for work. Monday is the first day of the week, so you'll still be in the holiday mood. Tuesday's the second day, and a long way to go till the weekends. Wednesday's a so-so - everything's neutral. Friday's the last day of the week, you're too happy to work - in a few hours you'll be free from work and the office. But're exited cause it's almost at the end of the week, so you'll try to finish everything up by the day's end. However, this didn't work at the office today. Everyone's doing nothing...

So, let's see...what did I do today? Well, being a good intern, I continued doing yesterday's job. However, unfortunately, it's still not finished yet. Damn. The damn thing it tedious! Bull-fucking-shit tedious!! I've been doing it for three days straight and I still gotta continue tomorrow!

Well, that was what I did. Kaber did nothing and just read the top-gear magazine and watched youtube the whole day. His trainer didn't come today, so he had nothing to do. And mostly everyone else had to attend a technical course today. So, yeah, there was almost nobody at the office. People were reading novels, gossiping (not limited only to the girls, the guys there gossip too it seems), chatting on the phone, walking around the office without doing anything (literally 'around' the office), and some were also slacking off at other people's desk; especially the ones who are not in the office, and they were trying to look as if they were doing something when they're actually not. So, yeah. That was 'work' today at the office. Haha.

Well, at least they're getting paid even if the slack-off for a day. I'm not paid to do so, so I guess I'll just try to do something. Shit...

Owh, if you're lost somewhere while reading this, I'll just give a short conclusion, I did nothing today. So, taadaaa!!!...Yeah...chow...

-End of Entry-