Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16th, 2010

Friday. It's Friday again. Already? Wow, time really moves at the speed of light. Well, today started off quite slow. I had breakfast with Aqbal while waiting for Kaber to get to the office. Bought him breakfast and took it to the pantry to eat. And we started work for today. So, today, we got to be librarians. Yeah, that's what we did. We were librarians... We had to re-catalog every book there was in the department based on data, books, journals, magazines, and course materials. Yeah...we were librarians...

Well, that took quite some time. As a matter of fact, we're not even half done with it yet. I guess I already know what's our job for next week then. Sigh... Anyways, we did do something beneficial today actually. We continued our training for the PEEP software. Finally! And you wanna know something else? That concludes our six weeks training period! Haha. Nice. Now we're gonna be real economist from hereon.

The software's quite simple actually since we've learned it. It's really almost similar to the spreadsheet models I've been doing for the last couple of weeks. And since I've had abundant training with modeling, I can really see the concept PEEP's using to simplify the stuff that we do here.

Well whatever...that was it. I've got nothing else to tell today. Owh, by the way this would probably strike as interesting; Kaber and Aqbal are watching Inception right at this moment. They'll be out in another 10 minutes I guess. Haha. I'm already at home.

That's it...I'm done for the day.

-End of Entry-