Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29th, 2010

Well today was the day we had to perform...the day we've all been training so hard for...and it was great! Haha. Most of us didn't even want to go back to the office. And since we had to, everyone wasn't in the mood for work. Haha. It was really an interesting day really.

The event started at 7.30 and ended at 2.00. So, since that consumed more than half of the working hours, I guess I'll be telling you about it then. Well, the event began with breakfast at 7.30, but the talks started at 8.00. So, I had breakfast alone today. Even though there were more than a hundred people there, I ate alone...sad...I know... But anyways, the talk started with a paper presentation about carbon emission reduction by industry and how are we tackling the matter. It was quite informative. Though, I've done a paper on the same subject previously hence therefore I find it easier to relate to the matter. I'm not sure about everyone else though. Owh, so here's a snapshot of the paper I did on the subject. It wasn't for Petronas though, it was for a different company.



So, the next paper wasn't related to us at all, it was more towards the enhancement of capabilities of staff throughout the company. Therefore, I didn't really paid much attention on the paper. I even went out to smoke. Then there was a tea break around 10, and the event continued with another presentation about the SKG10. Yeah...wasn't related to us as well... But the session afterward was the most interesting, and I didn't want to miss out on it. It was the Question and Answer session. There were quite a number of questions raised. And all were interesting in their own way. I even debated with Kaber on each and every questions that were asked. You probably don't know me that well, so, I'll just say that I'm someone who loves to answer questions. Haha. And the only thing I love more than to answer question, is to answer it with another question. And thus, I'll make you ponder on the answer yourself. This way, I know that you'll use your brains for sure. Haha.

Well, that was all about the briefing, and then we had our lunch at a different hall. And yes, this was the time we had to perform. Haha. It was great. To be on the stage in front of so many people. It reminded me of the old days when I had a band... Hmm...I missed the lime-light...

Anyways, that was the end of it. We went back to the office afterward. And I continued with my PSC extracts. I'm done with another PSC today. So, that leaves me with five more to go. I think I'll be able to complete it by the weekends.

Owh, and by the way, Stef was really friendly with me today. I saw her glanced at me once in a while...or probably she was the one who noticed I was glancing at her...I don't know... Anyhow, as always, me being a brick on the wall, every time she tried to get closer to me, I acted brick...on the wall... Sorry, I can't find any better words for it...I am hopeless...sigh... Now I really feel like banging my head on a brick on the wall... Well, just so you know, I found out that she was a blogger as well. But her last entry was back in 2008. So, yeah...that was quite a while ago... And I also know that she's from LSU and that she published a few articles in a website before. This was probably when she was still in the university. It was dated 2006. And I know that she entered Petronas in 2007... Arrgghh!!! I know...this is really really perverted...sigh... But it is my nature anyways...if I were to dig info about something, I'll dig really really deep... Sorry if this is a bit off from the point of this blog...

Alright, so we'll get back on track then. Another thing that happened today was, I was given a project by Saz to do a research on Unconventional Oil and EOR. So, I'll be going to the library for sometime in the near future. It seems that I'll be doing a report based on what I've researched. So, yeah...unlike the other interns, I'll be doing a report during my internship. I guess it'll fit nicely in my final report later. So, I'm not gonna complain about it.

Well, I guess we're already at the end. I don't have anything else to write down about today. Owh, I'll probably mention this earlier, since I'll be doing the same thing over and over again at work, my post would probably be shorter and shorter as I have nothing else to report about. Tomorrow then...

-End of Entry-