Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5th, 2010

Today was really busy...seriously busy... I was asked to do pipeline economics for the Samarang pipelines assembly and calculate the economics for two scenarios, whether to change the existing pipelines, or to use the old ones but with leakage. It was actually supposed to be an easy task, but unfortunately, there are 16 pipelines in total; 14 for Samarang, and 2 for Erb West. Therefore, I had to create separate cases for each pipeline... You know what? I left the office at 9.00 p.m. today, and I still haven't finished the economics...

So, what else happened today? Well, lunch was free again for today. And today, we had Al-Rawsha for lunch. I don't think I spelled the name right. But I don't know how it's spelled right anyways, so lets just stick to that for this time. So, about lunch, me and Kaber had to go and get the lunch again, as always. But this time, we had to follow Farah and Hasanul to the restaurant to get it. Haha. As I said yesterday, quite a way to waste time. Haha. So, after we brought it back to the office, I ate while watching the new episode of White Collar. It was great... The food and the episode.

Then, we had an EPRC meeting today. So, we joined as always and just sat by the always... But I didn't sat till the end anyhow. I had to go down to Dessert's Bar to check on the preparation for the Farewell Party. But luckily, I was able to sit through Stef's presentation... Sorry...I was just trying to make this a bit more interesting... Well anyways, halfway through, I went out, and down to the place. Everything was great. They really know how to organize an event. Well okay, maybe they didn't organize it, but they did a really great job at preparing the food. And the food was great as well. I especially loved the pastries. Haha. Sorry, I have a sweet tooth. So, I'll usually go for the dessert first during a buffet. All in all, the event was great. We finally got to have a long chat with the new guy. Owh, if I haven't mentioned this, there were two new people who joined the department starting on Monday. So, yeah. It was nice to make new friends.

Well, I've told you what happened next. I went back to the office, and continued with my work, and stayed there till my brain started screaming in agony. I guess tomorrow morning, my brain will be screaming again...

So, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. My day for today. To tell you the truth, I realize now that my life is revolved around the office. I don't have any other thing to do other than work. I'm starting to imagine my life when I've really started working in KLCC...sigh... One day at a time i guess...that's the way to pull through...

-End of Entry-