Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17th, 2010

Aaaaahhh~~~ Today is a day I shall never forget... And with writing it here, I'll entomb it in my memory for the rest of my life...

First of, let me just apologize for yesterday. I didn't go to work, so, I didn't have anything to write here then. Unless of course if you'd like to know how to clean a spark plug for a Volkswagen beetle. Yup, I had to skip work to repair my ride. Because, without a ride, I can't go to work now can I? Haha. It's really up to you to decide if it was really necessary for me to skip work.

Anyhow, today was really great. First of all, I came by early to work, the second to be in the office. Then, I just did nothing but browse the department's folder inside the database. I was trying to dig up info on the people around me. And my oh my, what interesting info I've found out. I won't tell you everything I know here, since It'd make me look really really desperate/depressing/pathetic. So, I'll just tell a few. Owh, I found out that Sarah was actually a student from UTP. Can you believe that? I know I couldn't even when I had proof in front of my eyes... Terry Pratchett once said, "Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more." But in this case, since I can't believe what I'm seeing, I've seem to have proven him wrong.

Okay, so enough with that. Work. So, today, I've emailed my list of titles for the SPE Papers for my research on the Unconventional Resources, and, my God, he replied with the complete list of papers that I've requested. Which was really interesting. I didn't expected they'd have all of the papers. But it seems they did. And now I have all that I needed to start. Now I wonder when will I actually start. Anyways...afterward, I had a discussion on my previous attempt at correcting the model for Palung Aru. Hmm, it seems that the model I was given was the one that was wrong. But the model in use was not. Well, it didn't hurt to tell anyways. But it hurt my feelings though to know that my accomplishment was proven to be useless. Sigh.

So, close to noon, I had to do a PSC extract again today. This time it was on SBO Block N. And this time it was given by Sarah. I really couldn't say no... However, while doing it, I seem to recall very familiar provisions stated in the PSC. And after a little checking, it seems that the extract was done by Kaber previously. So, it didn't even took me 15 minutes to send it back to her. And obviously she was shocked with my sheer speed, but I told her the whole story afterward. Owh, but then, she wasn't satisfied yet, so she asked me to help her to find a provision for THV for the Sabah Deep that she was doing. And I had to lean in front of her to look for it. Her hair was touching my arm. Haha.... Okay, that was a little bit over the border of pervert-ism. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it though. But I had done the same PSC before which had none. So, I thought that it should have been the same. But I haven't told her yet. I'll probably do so tomorrow then.

Then, after that, I had a job from Ada. Wow, this one was really tedious. Really really was tedious. I did it from morning till 5.30 in the evening... So, yeah. You've guessed when did I left work today. So, the job was to check the viability of the data in the entire Indonesia projects in PEEP. Wow...the entire projects... Owh, and for both this year and last year's PGSS data...There was 45 projects in total...wow...really was a head breaker... But wait, that wasn't all, I even had to extract data from last year's PGSS database for the Capex, Opex, and the THVs for both oil and gas for all the projects. And this was a different exercise entirely. So, yeah...that was quite it. My whole days work.

And then, finally, the one moment that really made my day. Haha. Today, from the moment I waited for the elevator from the office, till the LRT train reached the Bangsar stop, I was accompanied by Stef along the way! Haha. We chatted about ourselves, about my study, and a few other things. I didn't want to spoil the moment though, so I was very conservative in choosing the topics to chat about. It was great. She was great. And the best part is, I have the perfect reason to not stop staring at her. Haha. She really is a lovely gal...

Well, I guess that was it. My loverly Tuesday. And today was also the first day of work for me. So, really was an awesome start of the week. Haha. Owh yeah, before I forget, Kaber wrote yesterday's events when he was at the office. So, he asked me to blog it for you guys to read about it. So, without further a due, ladies and gentlemen, Kaber's yesterday at the office without me:

This is my story of the day. Because Moja did not come to work today, I guess I, Kaber, shall tell you the tale of the interns. Well, I woke up late today. Very late. I kinda think that it was intentional. I mean, waking up at 7.40am after sahur is really late. Anyways, I head to the office anyway, thinking that there is nothing to do if I skip work today. And then that was the time I read Moja’s message. “I’m heading back home with 1 spark plug.” Huh? What?! The message was delivered at 7am. So, I guess that he’s not gonna be at the office today.

9.10am. I arrived at the office. I thought that I’m gonna get that “glare” from other people because I came late. But, fortunately everyone else is busy with their jobs. I rushed to my cubicle and set up my external hard disk. As any other worker in PETRONAS, the first thing I did was to check my emails. No jobs. Good. So I went to find Siti to ask for anything to do. She said to continue with a task she had assigned me since last week. The task: Tiof, Mauritania. The job: prep the case file in PEEP for PGSS use, so I gotta search for the relevant data to fill in PEEP. A problem with that. I need the G&G costing from a DD person and he was unable to provide me with the data. So, I hit a snag there.

I relaxed and downloaded Leverage to fill my time. I even went to the Celcom Blue Cube downstairs to pay my broadband bills. When I came back up, that’s when I realized that a new staff joined the office. It’s a “she”. Happy. Her name is Maybel. Weird. But, she became my third reason to come to the office every day. She studied in the States and Faizul knew her. Urrah.

Anyways, around 2.30pm, Faizul came to me to ask some things about a job he had to do. He also said that I had to do the job too. The shock! I didn’t receive any emails regarding the job. So, I rushed to Siti for clarification. It seems the job was to check all the checkings me, Moja, Sarah, Faizul had done last week. And the worst part, she wanted it to be done today. OMGWTFBBQ.

3.50pm. My eyes were tired. I started to feel dizzy. Then, I heard Siti’s voice. “Stop!” She told me to stop all the work that I have done for the job. She wanted to rerun the cases, then we can check them. Argh. Thank God she told me and Faizul to go home and relax. So, here I am, relaxing. Telling about my day. And I am still at the office at 4.20pm. Uh, Stef is coming this way. Gotta go. Chiao.

P/S Moja:

It seems that PETRONAS gives free dates (kurma) every year. In a nice box. I have yours. So, what are you gonna do?

What am I gonna do? Well, I should have answered this yesterday, because today, I knew that the box for the kurma was really grand. Haha. So, what did I do? I left it at the office. It's now my new piggy bank. Haha.

So, thank you so much for your time and attention. Love you guys. Chiow~

-End of Entry-